Lithium-Polymer batteries (LiPo) require particularly careful treatment. This applies to charging, discharging, storage and other handling. Incorrect usage / treatment of LiPos can cause performance problems, explosion, fire, smoke, poisoning and other problems.
Do not cause short circuits as permanent short circuits lead to the destruction of the battery. High temperatures and possibly spontaneous combustion can be the result !
Each charge / discharge and storage at too high / low temperatures reduces the capacity of the battery. The recommended temperature range for charging and storing LiPo – batteries is 0-50° C.
A battery is a wearing part. Please be aware that batteries will wear out with use, and flight time will decrease.
For charging LiPo batteries the approved charger with the appropriate charging cable must be used. The max. loading capacity must be limited to 1.05 times of the battery capacity.
(Example: 5000mAh battery = 5250mAh max. loading capacity)
Use for charging and discharging of LiPo batteries only the especially designed charger / discharger.
The battery temperature should not rise above 70°C during the discharge.
Make sure that the number of cells and the charge voltage are set correctly. A voltage above 4,25V per cell must be avoided otherwise the cell will be damaged permanently.
Further information about the settings can be found in the instruction manual of your charger / discharger.
The battery which needs to be charged must lay while charging on a non-flammable, heat resistant and not conductive surface! Combustible or flammable materials need to be away from the charging spot. Charge batteries only under supervision!
To store LiPos they should have a charge level of around 10-20%. During storage periods, the LiPos should be reviewed regulary. This is easy with a LiPo-Tester. If the voltage of the cells go down to 3V they must be necessarily charged. Deep-discharge and storage in discharged condition (cell voltage less than 3V) makes the battery unusable.
The foil / outer shell of the LiPo can be easily damaged by sharp objects such as needles, knives, nails, etc. If the foil is damaged it makes the battery unusable.
Mechanical shocks e.i. throughout dropping, hitting, bending etc. can also make the LiPo unusable.
Do not use damaged batteries under any circumstances! Damaged or used batteries are hazardous waste and must be disposed accordingly.
If a LiPo is damaged, avoid any direct contact with the electrolyte. In case of contact with the skin, eyes or other body parts, you need to clean or rinse it immediately with plenty of clean and fresh water. Then a doctor should be consulted.
Please continue with the following link “Charging the LiPo batteries”